Friday, April 13, 2012

L is for Library

It's no surprise that I love libraries!  I told you about moving around a lot, but probably did not mention that along with those travels, I managed to accumulate four college degrees as well as homeschool our kids part of that time; therefore, I have been inside my share of libraries across the country. 

The worst library I ever been in was a law library in the basement of the local courthouse where I spent many hours while taking some paralegal courses.  This was before the internet and databases such as LexisNexis or Westlaw.  There were no windows and it was musky in there!  I would go at night after work and I would be the only one there - eerie!  I still shiver thinking about it.

The best library (at least aesthetically) I ever visited was the William T. Young Library at University of Kentucky in Lexington.  I was blessed enough to go along on one of my husband's business trips for a week stay in Lexington.  Since I had an assignment due the following week, I visited this library and spent time there as part of an assignment for my Technical Services class.

Looking up at the cupola
inside the library
Study room on the top floor
of the cupola
Looking up from the ground
Another study area
Heading into one of the computer labs
The pictures probably do not do justice, but hopefully you can get the idea.  Do you have a favorite library?


  1. I too have a favourite library. Not very grand, it is our little branch library in my suburb in Sydney. It is a true centre for the entire community. Grandparents, kids, students are all catered for. There are quiet nooks to study in, an area for kids to loll about on the carpet and read, and many sunny spots near windows to sit and browse.
